The manga series Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has introduced a post-time skip Boruto who has undergone significant growth in power. This raises concerns about the upcoming battle between Boruto and Kawaki, highlighting the need for Kawaki to receive a power-up to level the playing field and make the clash more thrilling and balanced.
Boruto vs. Kawaki: The Anticipated Clash and the Need for a Power-Up
The manga series Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has introduced a post-time skip Boruto who has undergone significant growth in power. This raises concerns about the upcoming battle between Boruto and Kawaki, highlighting the need for Kawaki to receive a power-up to level the playing field and make the clash more thrilling and balanced.
Boruto's Incredible Growth
The Remarkable Progress of Post-Time Skip Boruto
The recent chapters of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex have showcased Boruto's remarkable growth following the time skip. Through his training and the acquisition of new techniques, Boruto has become incredibly powerful. Even his former teammate, Mitsuki, acknowledges that Kawaki currently stands no chance against the post-time skip Boruto.
In Chapter #7 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Mitsuki observes Boruto's newfound strength and realizes that Kawaki would be no match for him in their current states. This realization is further supported by Code's failed attack on Konoha, which exposed Kawaki's current weaknesses compared to Boruto. Mitsuki's assessment highlights the need for Kawaki to undergo a power-up in order to level the playing field.
The Promise of a Future Power-Up
Building Anticipation for the Epic Clash
Despite Boruto's current dominance, the series has teased an epic clash between Boruto and Kawaki since its inception. The opening scenes of the sequel series depicted the two characters engaged in a fierce battle atop the ruins of Konoha. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the much-anticipated clash will result in a short and disappointing victory for Boruto.
Kawaki's Journey to Strength
The Need for Kawaki's Power-Up
To ensure an exhilarating showdown, it is evident that Kawaki must find a way to power up. With Boruto's newfound abilities and the threat posed by the evolved God Trees, Kawaki needs to improve his skills to match Boruto's level of strength. This journey towards strength and self-improvement will add depth to Kawaki's character and make the final confrontation in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex all the more intense.
Setting the Stage for an Epic Battle
The current power imbalance between Boruto and Kawaki in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex may dampen the excitement surrounding their inevitable clash. However, it is clear that Kawaki will receive a power-up to level the playing field and make the battle more thrilling and balanced. As the series progresses towards its climactic finale, fans can look forward to witnessing Kawaki's journey towards strength and witnessing an epic clash between these two powerful characters.